THANKS TO Chiap Lee, Sporting Motorcycles, Motorex, Denso, Pirelli, Simple Green, Teknic
Keep your weekends free for a sports biking extravaganza with those jolly nice chaps from the SBR! Due to a combination of inclement weather, Hari Raya and the Christmas holidays there werere no official track days in December. However, we have a full calendar of events for 2002, kicking off the year with two weekends in January at Shah Alam. Social events will be held throughout the year, at the Handlebar, Molly Malones and at the F1 and Moto GP, Sepang. Email sbriders@singnet.com.sg for more information.
Please quote your member number in all correspondence.
* To be confirmed. Discount hotel booking is available to SBR members. Arrangements are made during the week prior to the trip so please let us know five days in advance if you are coming on an overnighter (Sepang or Shah Alam). What happens on these days when SBR go mad on the track. Find out! Looking for photos of past events? Click here or on highlighted dates, above.
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