Chiap Lee, Sporting
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Joseph Lee Hock Huat
25 year love affair with bikes started unspectacularly with a
Suzuki TS250. It was bought out of necessity rather than desire,
as I needed transport to get to and from camp while doing my National
Service. I started having fun on bikes by going off road, but
it was seeing the great Kenny Roberts racing in 1977 that really
gave me the bug. I decided at that point I wanted to be a racer
too, and it has been a major part of my life ever since. I would
race at any circuit given half a chance, with bikes such as the
legendary RD 250-350's, GSX-R400, FZR750, the monstrous RG500,
GSX-R750-1100"s, NSR250, CBR600, ZX600, Ducati 748-916"s
and now my R1. I have raced on circuits in Malaysia, Indonesia
and Makau. In 1996 I even raced my bike in Singapore Car sprints.
Despite spending most of the events on the back wheel I usually
came first, which didn't make me overly popular with the local
car buffs. Macau is one of the most prestigious and dangerous
road races in the world so as a young racer it was a great thrill
to race there in 1981 and survive.
My greatest achievement was
a class win at the 6 hour Endurance Race at Batu Tiga Motor Speedway
(Shah Alam). A 600cc class win was a great result in itself but
doing it on a GSX-R400 was even better!! I managed to fit all
this racing into my busy flying schedule with SIA, for whom I
worked as a Leading Steward until 1995. I then spent a few years
working for other bike dealers while I continued to race at every
opportunity. Road racing is a selfish sport and not an ideal profession
for a father with a young family, so in 1999 I decided to give
up serious racing and channelled my energy into Sporting Motorcycles.
The idea was to combine my passion for Bikes and the people who
ride them with my desire to provide for my family. I ride at the
track as often as my schedule allows and still compete from time
to time but with a newfound sense of responsibility, I try to
keep my desire for victory in check.
Graeme Morrison
Back in the early 80's while
living in England I was in a mission to crash every dirt bike I
could get my hands on. This trend continued with road bikes once
the DVLC foolishly permitted me to ride on the public highway. In
those heady days the fearsome Suzuki X7 was the preferred tool to
pass your test on. Assuming you lived long enough to pass your test
the next step for spotty greasy haired youths of the day was the
350LC. Many a Sunday afternoon was spent humiliating older riders
on big Jap fours or alternatively picking gravel out of my knees
and butt. I have owned some sort of bike on and off ever since with
varying degrees of success. When I arrived in Singapore in 1997
I discovered the joys of riding south East Asian style and have
never looked back. I count myself lucky to have 3 spectacular, under
used and affordable circuits at my disposal and a ready made circle
of like-minded friends courtesy of SBR.
Vice President
Oly J. Seddon
For a long time I had always wanted to get
a huge sports bike and look cool (or at least try). I finally
got off my rear and took my test and bought my first bike back
1997, an R1100 RS, and since then I have been flirting with other
like-minded idiots. But after a year I scooted off to Japan and
discovered the real meaning of the 'four wheels good, two wheels
better' philosophy. Real fun began on a Honda VFR 800 until some
plebeian stole her. I learnt a lot about street riding and also
learnt how to wheelie on her but it all got a bit more serious
when I replaced the Viffer a TL1000S, AKA wheelie monster. But
after bringing her to Singapore and experiencing a few more serious
track days, I figured this wasn't the bike that I wanted to be
on whilst pushing the envelope. Enter my lovely new Fire Blade
954. Not only is this bike far more capable than the TL on the
circuit but it also retains that nice 'mono' capability that the
old TL has too. It's heaps of fun. But despite the heat we have
in Singapore, it is a great place for bikers. Being so close to
the 3 main circuits circuits in Malaysia (which incidentally are
probably amongst the cheapest in the world) one can't fail to
have fun. I love it here.
Leong Wai Khong
riding experience started with a scooter at the age of 17. I figured
riding a scooter was the better way of breaking in my parents instead
of hopping straight onto a crotch rocket. But I guess I was wrong
because I thrashed the daylights out of it till it could hardly
move. Next up was a Suzuki GSXR400 followed by another 2 years on
a Honda XR400. I must admit, riding an XR improved my riding skills
tremendously and I had no regrets getting onto one, especially since
more gals liked to ride pillion on a scrambler. I finally got a
decent sports bike (Kawasaki ZX6R) and managed to get it onto the
race track, but not for long... I crashed it on the way to the Sepang
F1 circuit last year and went head first into a car. Thankfully
it was a Proton Saga and not a Volvo as its' rather flimsy build
quality cushioned my impact - so well in fact that I walked away
afterwards relatively unscathed. But it was an expensive lesson
learnt none the less!
the painful interlude (over several months), I got an XLR200 to
satisfy my off road urges and then I bought a Honda CBR600F4, my
current bike.
motorcycling interests have lead me to my current job at Sporting
Web Development
Ian Morrison
I got my first superbike (as CBR600's were
known back then) in anticipation of passing my test on a 125,
and am still learning how to ride them. A mechanical engineer
by training I now barely knows the front end of a bike from the
back. My Ducati 916 drags me round the track, much slower than
it would like to go. Riding at Sepang I'm learning what the Duke
can really do, how to ride it fast on the track and how to ride
it safely on the road. Past bikes include a Zepher 750 (whatever
possessed me I'll never know), GSXR750, a ZX7 and a Triumph Daytona.
I hail originally from Glasgow in Scotland and have built video
game development companies in the UK and California. In Los Angeles
I rode Sunset Boulevard down to Pacific Coast Highway every day,
but tiring of the double nickle came out to explore the curves,
cultures and commerce of Asia. Thanks for the welcome, guys!
I now run my own wireless entertainment and marketing consultancy,, in Singapore.
If you have any IT requirements, website submissions or ideas
just pass them along.
Committee Member
Gareth Williams
As a youth with an overactive ego, bags of
testosterone and unlimited bravery my mother ensured that motorcycles
and I were not to be acquainted. A bribe was made in the form of
a two tone Ford Fiesta 1.1L "Bravo" complete with alloy
look alike wheel trims, stereo and sun roof. The offer of free mobility
at 17 was enough to keep me away from road bikes for a number of
years. However, two-wheeled transport became essential when I moved
to Bombay in 1996. The choice was limited to Honda step through's
or an Enfield Bullet. I naturally opted for the Bullet but with
the benefit of hindsight would probably choose the step through
if faced with the same decision again (did I really say that?).
Upon arriving in Singapore in 1998 a deal
on a second hand Triumph Sprint proved too good to resist. I rode,
enjoyed and stayed upright on the Triumph until August of 2000 when
I decided to upgrade to a Triumph Daytona. One afternoon, whilst
window shopping on Lavender St, I met Joe and accidentally bought
a new R1. His talk of track days and the offer of tuition persuaded
me onto the track for the first time. I've been a regular campaigner
ever since.
The testosterone and bravery are still there
and have been my undoing on more than one occasion, but are now
tempered by the responsibility of my family and an awareness of
my own mortality.